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Pea & Spinach Soup with Crisp Parma Ham

Pea & Spinach Soup with Crisp Parma Ham

Pea & Spinach Soup & Crisp Parma Ham with 12 month month aged Parmigiano Reggiano PDO

The saltiness of Parmigiano Reggiano PDO adds a hit of flavour to this simple and elegant
Pea and Spinach Soup. It can be thrown together at the last minute on a busy weeknight, or
prepared ahead of time for a dinner party with friends.

Serves: 4 people Serves: 4 people

12 month month aged Parmigiano Reggiano PDO 12 month month aged Parmigiano Reggiano PDO


750g frozen peas
2 leeks, thinly sliced
3 sprigs of fresh mint (remove stalks once cooked)
400ml vegetable stock
150g baby spinach
1 pack of Parma Ham
Olive oil, for cooking
Parmigiano Reggiano PDO shavings


1. In a large pot, add a drizzle of oil and the leeks. Gently cook, stirring occasionally until
translucent, for around 5 minutes. Add the frozen peas to the pot and stir to coat the peas in
the leeks and oil. Add the spinach, stir and pop the lid on to wilt the greens.
2. Add the stock to the greens, remove the mint stalks and stir together. Let it simmer for a
few minutes before blitzing with a hand blender (or transfer to a blender) Taste and season
with salt and pepper.
3. Heat the grill to high and lay the Parma ham slices on a tray lined with baking paper.
Place under the grill until crispy and bubbling. Once they cool, they will crisp up further.
4. Ladle into a bowl. Top with crispy Parma ham shards, lots of Parmigiano Reggiano PDO
shavings and enjoy!

Parmigiano Reggiano
Co-founded by the European Union
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